Yeoman on FreeBSD 9


In this post I will go through the steps I had to perform in order to get Yeoman up and running on relatively fresh installation of FreeBSD 9 with Xorg and Desktop Environment.

#Check your system

Run curl -L | bash in order to see what dependencies you need to install. Since my commit 8630c44 was kindly merged into Yeoman's master branch this step is possible on FreeBSD.

#Install Dependencies

The list of dependencies may vary with time. Refer to Yeoman's wiki for more up-to-date list.

Please note that there are alternative methods for installing software in FreeBSD so you decide what method to use when installing those dependencies, however following worked for me.

Install as root user:

Git cd /usr/ports/devel/git && make install clean

PhantomJS (this may take a while) cd /usr/ports/lang/phantomjs && make install clean

NodeJS cd /usr/ports/www/node && make install clean

Npm cd /usr/ports/www/npm && make install clean

Google Chrome (this may take a while) cd /usr/ports/www/chromium && make install clean

libyaml cd /usr/ports/textproc/libyaml && make install clean

optipng cd /usr/ports/graphics/optipng && make install clean

Install following as normal user:

Rvm + Ruby Refer to for installation instructions

Compass gem install compass

#Verify Dependencies

Run curl -L | bash again to verify that you have completed the list of required dependencies.

#Say hello to Yeoman

Finally, when all required dependencies are installed we're ready (hopefully) to say hello to Yeoman:
npm install -g yeoman

#Known issues

  • When I first initialized a yeoman project and executed yeoman server I got this scary error: v8::Context::New() V8 is no longer usable The solution was to execute yeoman build at least once, since then I didn't see this error
  • After a few files modifications yeoman couldn't reload the page (opened in Opera) any more as there was this error: TypeError: Cannot call method 'send' of null The solution was to use Chromium instead of Opera (didn't test with Firefox however)


Hope this post will be helpful to anyone besides myself.

If you followed this post and found any required steps that are not covered, please leave a comment below.

Hi, I'm Sergey, 30yo, father of 2, currently based in Tel Aviv, Israel.

I'm mostly passionate about #music, #programming, #sport, #ui, #ux alphabetical order :)

Read more about me in my Résumé